is it time find a new job?

Deciding whether to stay or leave a current company is an important decision that is best taken mindfully.


Completing an annual review of your current job is something I recommend to ensure that you're still doing work that aligns with what YOU want in the future.


It's a great opportunity to get really clear so you can evaluate if your current job matches your long-term goals and make an informed decision from there.


Think (or journal) on the following:

  • What are your strengths and which do you want to develop?

  • What skills / activities drain you?

  • If you were to dream big, what would your ultimate career goal be? Include all the juicy details.

After you have a clear list of what your long-term goals are: take that big dream and see how it compares to your current role.

  • Do you feel supported and have clear direction for growth at your current company?

  • Does this job seem like a natural stepping stone to your ultimate long-term goals?

  • Are you making enough money to support your lifestyle? If not, does your current salary leave you feeling resentful?

  • Are you dreading going back to the office post-pandemic?

If your current role matches the list (or has a lot of potential) then it might be a good idea to stay. If not, it’s probably time to go.


Friend, what did you discover in this exercise?


I'm rooting for you!



PS. It’s totally normal to outgrow your job. Career transitions are lonely and not meant to be done on your own. Get the help you need by reaching out to me or another trusted mentor.


PPS. Do you love your job? Please hit reply and tell me what you love about it. It's truly a gift to love the work you do.


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