How to take the whole month of September off
You have amazing talents to share, but you’re finding yourself stuck in procrastination and overwhelm when it comes to looking for a new job or creating more work-life balance.
If you're ready to free yourself from your underwhelming job, bounce back from burnout, and get motivated again.
I'm so excited to offer a NEW, rare, and exclusive 1:1 experience.
We’ll take your previous successes and ideas that are floating around in your head and get them into your resume, LinkedIn page and interview responses so you can land your dream job this summer.
Simply email me saying “yes, I want to hear more” and I’ll personally email you all the details before sharing it with the masses.
I've got seven five spots for June (two people booked before I could send this email!!), so don't delay and email me if you want in.
P.S. This is a new, lower-priced offer I created after getting the inspiring email below. I'm so excited to help seven women take a month off this year!
PPS. This offer PRESUMES:
You are READY NOW!
You have an idea of the type of work you want to be doing.
You are coachable and open to mentorship.
PPPS. Seriously, I’m very excited about this offer. Can you please share with one person who could use support right now?