How to return to your basic needs when going through anything

Last year, when the world went into lockdown, we had a new baby and my hubby was all of a sudden working from home.


Like you, things changed overnight and we didn't know what to do.


I had yet to go back to work as I had taken a year-long maternity leave.


Even though I was home to take care of her, we were both so stressed all the time.


We didn’t know how to be in the house together. And with him being home now, I was also like, umm can you take care of her, too?


As an added bonus, I am extroverted and he soon (unfortunately for his introverted self) became the person I saw all day long and talked at all day long.

I had nowhere to go to talk to people!


My mamas groups were cancelled. Swim lessons were cancelled. Yoga was cancelled.


There’s a store in San Francisco called Natural Resources where I would just sit on the couch with my baby and hang out for hours just killing time meeting new mamas and browsing all the cute baby things.


I was a mess. I wanted my friends. I missed my structure. I missed the scaffolding that kept our lives on track.


Then our therapist helped us to remember one of our family mantras, transitions are hard AF.


Oh yeah!


And this was a HUGE transition, right?


When we go through big transitions (and sometimes very small ones) the greatest tool I have and always come back to is returning to my basic needs.


A few things I like to have in my back pocket:

  • Showering daily

  • Writing

  • Eating healthy food

  • Limiting alcohol

  • Moving my body everyday

  • Being with friends and community

  • Getting at least eight hours a sleep each night

What saved me then, is what I believe is needed now…


As the world begins to open up, I’m noticing that this transition is causing stress and anxiety for clients and others in my circle.


How do I go back into the world?


One of the greatest tools we can remember is to get back to the basics of what helps us take care of ourselves.


To bring us a bit of relief. To start very, very small.


Friend, as we open back up, understand that this is another transition in our lives. And transitions will always hard AF.


One way to make them easier is by practicing your basic needs, you become better skilled at maneuvering through transitions.


In the coming days and weeks, I invite you to get back to basics so you can feel relief and support as things begin to shift back to the quickness of how “normal” used to be.


What did you learn during the pandemic about your basic needs that you are willing to take with you as we open back up?

With BIG hugs + courage,


PS. Did you know I talked about transitions being hard AF during my 100-day project? I think it’s definitely worth a listen. Check it out here.


PPS.  How’s work going? If you needed a quick win right now (or a miracle) what would that look like?


Some ideas that might come to mind:

  • Knowing where to even begin to make a change

  • Interview confidence

  • An easy way to create a resume

  • How to network without feeling gross

  • How to stay motivated at a job that is underwhelming

Let me know and I’ll send over a tool that I think might be helpful. As you've already come to know I love, love, love tools. They help me through personal, professional and parenting times and I love sharing all the things I have in this magical tool chest of mine (I promise if you’re struggling with something, there are people here that are going through the same shiz). 


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