Break the Glass Ceiling! with Katie McManus



I love-hate that metaphor of the glass ceiling...

Love it because it so aptly describes what is hard to see unless you're right up against it.

Hate it because- well, glass is easy to break!

Haven't you ever seen a movie with a bar fight? Glass bottles getting smashed left and right?

Or are you like me and do you break half your glassware within

weeks of buying it?

(Yes I do have a collection of sippy cups, thank you for asking}

The thing about glass ceilings is that they're there, they're surprisingly hard to shatter, and because of that it's necessary to have someone holding your ladder for you while you try.

Enter Nic Frick.

That's what she does. She holds your ladder while you climb for

each next rung.

PSSST!...Isn't that a great metaphor for an interview and job search coach? just made it up just now! {gives self pat on back}

Anyhoodle, we're talking tonight about job changes, and hopefully also about mexican food- cause she lives near so many of my favorite places in SF and I miss them!


How to reinvent your career after motherhood // Career Changers Podcast


Land Your Dream Job // More and Merrier Blog