How my clients are crushing it and making me a proud mama

So much to celebrate this month and we're only half way done!


I'm super proud of all my clients' results.


What really lights me up is the ripple effect they create in the world as they and others around them shine & rise!


🌈 This week I began working with a VIP client who recently graduated from college.


During our first 45-minute session, she went from feeling nervous to saying, “I just feel relieved, excited, hopeful and less stressed with more clarity.  And excited” (yes, she said excited twice!).


When she lands her dream job she will be fully-self expressed at work and crushing it on social media strategy.


🌈 My client (spoiler alert: my hubby) begins a month-long vacation today to get a break before starting a new job next month!


🌈 After nailing an interview with a Marketing Director, my client is now getting a third interview.


In her interview process she feels absolutely confident and set up for success each step of the way.


I love getting these kinds of texts from clients:


Oh, wait… there's more!


🌈 After being rejected last month, another client just finished another series of interviews.  The plan is to hire her in the Fall (which btw, is exactly what she was hoping for!!)


She felt completely prepared after our lightning round of preparation and said "Nic taught me skills that will last a lifetime in interviewing with confidence."


🌈 During last Tuesday’s call with a client she shared that her roommate left without notice and that she doesn’t feel comfortable in the common areas of her home so spends a lot of time in her bedroom.


I invited her to play with a desire (because the universe loves specificity!) and she said: I desire a roommate that I am friends with that I could have dinner parties at the house and spend time together in common areas.


Listen, her new roommate moved in on Sunday (just FIVE days after her declaration!)


☀️ I feel so blessed and fortunate to get to do this work and have a circle of women who entrust me to guide them to the work they love. 


It is not lost on me that the work I get to do with my incredible clients is weaving itself into my life as well. I learn just as much as them.


I consider myself a leader among leaders and a teacher among teachers.


So grateful. I'm soaking it all up... cheers to the amazing people in my universe.


BIG love and ease heading your way,



PS. I've got two spots left in May for my private coaching. Book a call to grab one or learn more.


PPS. This playlist has been on repeat in our house. Check it out.


A quick and dirty guide to nailing your elevator pitch.


When do you feel most alive?