Does any of this sound like you?

➡️ Is your fear of the unknown getting in the way every time you think about going after your dream job?

➡️  Do you know you deserve more out of your career, but the idea of starting a job search makes you stop in your tracks because you don’t even know where to begin?

➡️  Are you anxious about your resume gaps from when you were a SAHM and now don’t know how to put yourself out there?

➡️  Does starting a job search feel like a second or third job with too many pieces to manage?

➡️  Are you feeling burned out, underwhelmed, and overworked at your current job but don’t think that “starting over” is an option when you have little ones at home?


You are not alone.

And I’m here to help.


Nic is a genius and approaches coaching from a really inclusive adult learning perspective (which I think is super important and pretty unique). Her tools support the job search in a unique way because she didn't just review my resume like other coaches.



senior director, people & culture



This toolkit is for the people who don't know where to begin their job search 

because, to be honest, there’s a lot of moving parts to finding a career you want, and love.

There’s gotta be an easier way to manage all of the moving parts of a 
job search to get any job you want, and love it …


get your job search in order today and start feeling clear about your next steps.

Exciting news coming to you in 3….2….1….

There is an easier way! 
With your very own… 

Joyful Job Search Toolkit

All the templates and trackers you need to easily manage your job search

We both know, the job search can feel like FOREVER! And for each job you apply for, you have to customize your resume, your elevator pitch, and prepare for interviews.




That’s why I am coming to you with your very own Joyful Job Search Toolkit!

In this Toolkit, you’ll get:

⭐ Elevator pitch template and exercise

First impressions matter, and there’s nothing worse than freezing when asked “so, tell me about yourself”... have a confident, clear response ready with this easy to use structure.

⭐ Templates for reaching out to people for informational interviews

Reaching out to people for a favor, even a coffee chat, can feel super awkward. Inside the Patriarchy, we as women have been often been programmed to do it all on our own. It’s time to ask for help and support in your job search. Use these templates to reach out to people you do and don’t know with ease (even if you’ve always felt awkward about it) to get what you want!

⭐ informational Interviews Tracker

Knowing who you’ve reached out to and why is just as important as when. Be sure to follow up with appreciations, updates, and keep track of the new people being added to your network on the regular.

⭐ Application and Interview Tracker

When you become intentional about the applications you’re sending out the progress you make becomes visible and energizing. Simply keep track of your applications and feel organized AF.

⭐ Cover letter template

Never wonder what to put in that white box again! With this template, you will have a proven plug and play letter that recruiters will actually notice AND appreciate.

⭐ Resume template

Goodbye to the crusty old MS templates, and hello to a resume template that you can feel confident will showcase your goals and transferrable skills.

⭐ An example of MY resume

It’s always nice to have an example of a resume to get inspiration. Taking a peek at mine can help you enhance the quality and effectiveness of your own resume, especially if it hasn’t been updated in years.

So let's do this thing!


Today is the day to get closer to finding your dream job, my friend! – there is no better time to start LIVING the life you want, and deserve…and let go of the shitty job search process that makes you dread waking up in the mornings.

— All for just $47!

Nic has great strategies and tips which take you from feeling helpless to in control!


She is surely one of the best career coaches out there for moms who want to get back to the workforce.


Mini Gururaj, Headhunter and Mama


Before working with Nic, I thought I was going nowhere and was going to be unemployed forever. I was really hard on myself and thought I wasn’t going to be thriving. After working with Nic and using her resources, I now feel excited, more encouraged and I have more hope.

anonymous, chief of staff

Nic pulled me forward into the life I didn't know I could have

Nic's greatest gift to me was showing me, mostly through modeling and a little nudging, that I didn't need to accept stuckness as my fate. She showed me that there is a whole world out there waiting for me, and that no matter what happens with my next venture, I will adapt and change and grow and be all the better for it.


Aubry Koehler, Ph.D., LMFT

couple and therapist & mAMA

Take the guess work out of your job search & get your next steps Today
